ENT McQ points by Dr. Masoom haider


1 otosclerosis is Autosomal dominant

2 otosclerosis mainly affect white Female and age 20-30

3 in von DER hove syndrome, there is Triad of:

  •    Otosclerosis
  • Blue sclera
  •     O imperfecta

4 stapedial otosclerosis cause conductive deafness.

5 cochlear otosclerosis cause semrinural deafness.

6 histologic otosclerosis cause no type of hearing loss

7 otosclerosis is bilateral

8. In otosclerosis, Rennie is negative

9 Weber is lateralized to ear with greater conductive loss

10. Loss of air conduction is more for lower frequency in otosclerosis

11  speech audiometry show normal discrimination score except for cholear type otosclerosis

12. There is dip in bone conduction in otosclerosis

13  stapedectomy with prosthesis is treatment of choice of otosclerosis

14  tempanic membrane perforation and exostosis are relative contraindications of stapedectomy

15. Inherent hearing loss of 25db cannot be corrected by lemperts fenestration operation

  Meniere’s disease

1 there is spasms of internal auditory artery

2 male are affected more in meniere’s disease

3 meniere’s disea is mostly unilateral

4  meniere disease affect age 35-60 year

5  Tullio phenomenon is due to distended sacule

6 hearing loss is fluctuating type in menieres disease

7 tinnitis is low pitched in  menieres disease

8. Patient of menieres disease cannot tolerate loud noise due to recruitment phenomenon

9. Weber is lateralized to better ear in menieres disease

10 quick components of nystagmus is towards unaffected ear

11 in later stages higher frequencies are affected

12 in menieres disease ratio of sp/ap is greater than 30

13 sisi score in menieres disease is better than 70%

14. Caloric test show canal paresis to affected side

15 glycerol test is diagnostic and prognostic

16 reverse of menieres disease seseen in lermoyez syndrome

17  there is no vertigo or fluctuations in hearing loss in tumarkin otolyticic crisis

18 cochlear functions are normal in vesitubular hydrops

19 in cochlear hydrops vertigo is absent

20 cogons syndrome cause menieres syndrome

21 carbogen is a cerebral vasodilator

22 betahistine is given orally

23  recurrent attack can be prevented by furosemide

24  microwick polyvinyl acetate can be used in menieres disease

25  wick delivers gentamicin and steroids

26  in cochleosaculotomy cochlear duct is punctuated

27 prerequisites of menit device is myringotomy

28 patient in which medical treatment fails but surgical treatment is asked menit device is used

  Acoustic neuroma

1 it comprises 80% of all cerebellopontine angle tumors

2 in patient of neurofibromatosis it is bilateral

3 acoustic neuroma affect age of 40-60

4. Difficulty in understanding the speech is characteristic feature of acoustic neuroma

5 hyoosthesia of posterior meatal wall is called hitzilbergers sign

6  seminural hearing loss more marked at higher frequencies seen in acoustic neuroma

7. When loudness increase speech discrimination score fall in acoustic neuroma

8. Gold standard test for acoustic neuroma is MRI with galadonium contrast

9. Treatment of choice of acoustic neuroma is surgery

10. For retrocochlear lesion BERA is used

11  CO 60 is used in treatment of acoustic neuroma

External Ear

1 fruncle formed mainly in cartilaginous part of canal

2  if patient came with recurrent frunclosis

  -Diabetes should be excluded

  -Pay attention to vesitubule of nose which may harbor staph aureus

3. Icthmmol glycerine has

  • hygroscopic action
  • analgesic
  • antiseptic

4. Diffuse otitis externa seen in swimmers In hot and humid environment

5. In acute phase of diffuse otitis externa initially discharge is serous

6 in chronic phase of diffuse otitis externa itching and crust seen

7. Wick is changed daily for 2-3 days

8. Intense itching watery discharge mousty odour mass in ear seen in otomycosis

9 Nystatin is used against candida

10 Ga67 is used in diagnosis and follow up of malignant otitis externa

11 Tc99 reveal bone infection but test remain positive for 1 year

12. In malignant otitis externa antibiotics therapy should continue for 6-8 week

13 itching is main complain in seborrheic otitis externa

14  Greasy yellow scales are seen in seborrheic otitis externa

15 pH of wax is acidic

16. Unilateral hearing difficulty tinnitis giddiness and reflexes cough seen in cerumen

17.  Chloroform water kills maggots in ear

18. Widening of bony meatus seen in keratosis obturans

19 normal tympanic membrane is shiny and pearly grey

20 myrigitis bullosa is caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae

21 in serous otitis media middle fibrous layer of tympanic membrane get absorbed

22  4%aluminium acetate is used in perichondritus

23 peanut ear is a form of microtia

   Ear tumor

1 most common benign neoplasm of middle ear is glomus tumor

2 glomus tumor mainly affect female of 40-50 year

3. Tinnitis stopped by carotid pressure in glomas tumor

4 glomus tumor can be differentiated from carcinoma based on earache

5. Bruit is present at all stages of glomus tumor

6  in differential diagnosis of petrous apex lesion CT combined MRI done

7 embolization in glomas tumor done 1-2 day before operation

8 if tumor is extending towards foramen Magnum transcondyler approach is used

9  primary carcinoma of mastoid ear cells seen in radium dial painters

10  feature of carcinoma simulate chronic supportive otitis media

11  in carcinoma severe pain seen usually at night

12 rhabdomyosarcoma affect mostly children

13 facial palsy seen early in rhabdomyosarcoma

14 ceruminoma is a tumor of modified sweat glands…


1 Asom affect mostly infants and children of low socioeconomic status

2 most common cause of Asom is streptococcus pneumoniae

3. Tympanic membrane is congested in presupporation stage

4 cart wheel appearance in presupporation stage

5 tympanic membrane is bulged and excruciating earache in supporation stage

6. Antibiotics therapy in Asom is continued minimum for 10 days

7. If effusion persistent beyond 12week myringotomy is indicated

8. Serous otitis media seen in school going children

9. If there is unilateral serous otitis media in adults benign or malignant tumors of Nasopharynx should be excluded

10  tympanic membrane is dull opaque and absent light reflex in serous otitis media

11  in ASOM hearing loss is off 40db

12  tympanotomy is done in thick locular fluid or cholesterol granuloma

13 acute necrotizing otitis media is caused by beta hemolytic streptococcus

14 antibiotics therapy in acute necrotizing otitis media is 7-10 days

15  cortical mastoidectomy done in acute necrotizing otitis media

  CSOM + cholesteatoma

1 cholesteatoma means skin in the wrong place

2. Single most common cause of hearing impairment in rural population is CSOM3 CSOM is more in developing countries

4. Perforation is central in tubotympanic type

5. Necrosis of long process of incus seen in tubotympanic CSOM

6. Chalky white deposit seen on promontory in tubotympanic CSOM

7. Artisanal type is called squamosal disea of middle ear

8. Person hears better in the presence of discharge in tubotympanic CSOM

9. Hearing loss is not appearant in cholesteatoma hearer

10. Middle eat atelectasis seen in stage 3

11. Adhesive otitis media seen in stage 4

12. Cholesteatoma appear pearly whites flake

13. Painless necrosis of tympanic membrane in tuberculer otitis media

14 Atticoantral type CSOM involve lateral semicircular canals

15. Painless loss of heating out of proportion foul smelly discharge multiple perforation in pars tensa seen in tuberculer otitis media

Reference: Dhingra (latest edition)


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