Emergency Drugs you should know about!

25% Dextrose

  • drug category: carbohydrate
  • Generic name: Dextrose Inj/glucose Inj
  • Contents: 25 gm Glucose per 100 ml of soln.
  • dosage: In hypoglycaemic coma, 4 ampoules, are given I/V stat.
  • Indications: emergency treatment of hypoglycemia
  • Contraindications: Glucose- Galactose malabsorption syndrome

Sodium Bicarbonate:

  • Drug category: Electrolyte
  • Contents: 50ml vial containing 44.6mmol of 7.5% NaHCO3
  • Dosage: It can be calculated by formula: body wt (kg) x 3/5 x 25 – Serum HCO3 mmol
  • Indications: In metabolic acidosis
  • Contraindications: Alkalosis
  • Adverse effects: cerebral, peripheral and pulmonary edema, conjestive cardiac failure


  • Drug category: Anticholinergic and antispasmodic
  • Generic name: Atropine inj
  • Contents: 1 ml Injection
  • Indications:
    • Pain due to spasm
    • Produce mydriasis and cycloplegia
    • As pre-anesthetic medication to reduce respiratory secretions.
    • antidote in anticholinesterase (organic phosphate poisoning)
    • For attacks of vertigo in Meniere’s Disease
    • In Myocardial Infraction, to treat high grade AV block
  • Contraindications:
    • Closed angle glaucoma
    • urinary retention
    • Gastric/ duodenal ulcer
    • Paralytic ileus


  • Drug Category: Sympathomimetic
  • Contents: 1 ml inj. (1:1000)
  • Indications:
    • Drug of choice for anaphylactic shock
    • To restore cardiac activity in cardiac arrest
    • To treat bronchospasm
    • chronic open angle glaucoma
    • Acts as a local vasoconstrictor. hence used in:
      • to achieve hemostasis in surgery
      • to reduce diffusion of local anesthetic agents away from the site of administration.
      • to reduce mucous membrane congestion
  • Contraindications: Hypertension, hyperthyroidism, ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrythmias
  • Adverse effects: Anxiety, tremors, palpitation, headache, restlessness, cardiac arrythmias, pallor, angina pectoris in susceptible individuals, pilmonary edema, sharp rise in blood pressure, tissue necrosis

Mechanism of Action:


  • Drug category: Phenyl acetic acid / Analgesic
  • Generic name: Diclofenac sodium
  • Content: Inj. Diclofenac sodium 25 mg/ml in 3ml ampoule
  • Indications:
    • Acute back pain
    • Post operative pain
    • pain in acute trauma and fractures
    • renal colic
    • musculoskeletal disorder
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • osteoarthritis
    • ankylosing spondylitis
    • acute gout
  • Dosage: Adults: 75 mg inj. I/M once or twice daily by deep intragluteal inj. for a maximum of 2 days. Continue with tablets if necessary. Children: not applicable
  • Contraindications: Active peptic ulcer, Asthma, Aspirin/ anti inflammatory induced allergy
  • Adverse effects: transient epigastric pain, nausea, headache, rash, oedema, peptic ulcer, abnormalities of liver and kidney function.


  • Drug category: Antihistamine
  • Generic name: Pheniramine maleate
  • Indications: Allergic conditions such as hay fever, with attacks of sneezing, itching and running of the nose, inflammation of the conjunctivae. Urticaria and eczema. anaphylactic reaction.
  • Contra indications: Hypersensitivity of pheniramine, pregnancy, prostatic hypertrophy and tendency towards retention of urine. Patients with narrow angle glaucoma
  • Adverse effects:
    • Dryness of mouth
    • Increase in Intra Ocular Pressure
    • Gastro Intestinal upset
    • Sedation


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