How to add Echo effect for FREE using INSHOT App (the simplest way)

If you are looking for the simplest way to add echo to your video, you are at the right place. Here I have mentioned a step wise process to add echo effect in the video using INSHOT app in the simplest possible way and that for FREEEE!!! Lets get started!



Download the app for free from Play store/App store of your phone. Open INSHOT app, an interface will open with three icons under the heading ‘CREATE NEW’, Select the ‘Video’ option, your phone gallery will open, where you will select the required video or image. In this tutorial, I am choosing an image from my gallery for reference (I will add the audio later).


After you select the required image/ video, main menu appears. Select the Music Icon from the menu to add the audio, as shown in the image below.

Select music icon from the main menu.

After selecting Music icon from menu bar, three further options appear, Select ‘TRACKS’ from them.
In the Track option, go to ‘MY MUSIC’, to upload the required music from your phone gallery.

Then select the required music and tap ‘USE.’


After you choose the required audio, the track will be uploaded, and certain options will appear. Select ‘Duplicate’ from the given options (make sure the track is selected). Your track will be duplicated, we will call it T2 for convenience. T2 appears in the last of your previous track T1. Now what you have to do is to pick this second track T2 and place it just above and behind the T1, as shown below.

A duplicate track T2 will appear at the end of the previous track T1, after you tap the option ‘DUPLICATE.’
Now hold the T2 and drag it to the start, place it above the T1, just a little behind the T1.
See, T2 should be placed just above and behind the T1.

Now what you have to do is to duplicate the track again and place it above and behind the T2, as shown below. We need three tracks to produce Echo in audio.

Now we have T1, T2 and T3, The main part is all done. Now its time for magic!


What you have to do is to change the volume of your tracks. Select the track T2 and select ‘VOLUME’ option from the menu, now lower its volume, for example I lowered the volume to near 20%. Similarly decrease the volume of T3 also, but it should be lower than T2, for example, I lowered it to 14%.

Select the track and then select the volume option.
Drag the volume bar and lower it to your required amount.
For T3, lower the volume more than T2.
For T1, which is our main track, increase the volume. For example, I increased it to 125%.

VOILA! Now listen to the video, you will hear echo. You can adjust the volume of tracks T2 and T3, to your requirement.

Goodbye, Remember me in your prayers 🙂

Step to step guide of this tutorial is available in the following video.

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Visit my youtube chanel /ohmaala for more videos on Easy Video editing tutorials. Have a good day!

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